The panel on “Support Mechanisms for Arts, Best Practices and Search for a Model” was organized on May 17, 2012, at Pera Museum, within the framework of IKSV’s cultural policies development projects.

The panelists of the meeting were, Cultural Affairs Specialist at the US Consulate General Sevil Sezer, Director of Istanbul Branch of the Institut Française de Turquie Bérénice Gulmann, Director of Goethe Institute Claudia Hahn Raabe and Swedish National Tour Theater (Riksteatern) producer Figen Solmaz. The panel was moderated by Assistant Professor Dr. Gökçe Dervişoğlu Okandan from Istanbul Bilgi University Communication Faculty’s Art and Cultural Management Program. The panel focused on support mechanisms for arts and culture with respect to international practices and building an ideal model for Turkey.
To download the resulting report, please click here.