İKSV Alt Kat: Learning and Interaction Space hosted the workshop programmed titled Learning Together: Transcultural Cooperation of Artists and Teachers between November 20 -23, of which İKSV is a project partner.

A total of ten artists and teachers from Turkey and Germany participated in the workshop organised with the leadership of German-Turkish Youth Bridge in collaboration with İKSV and the Teachers Network from Turkey, and German Federation of Associations for Cultural Youth Education (Die Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung - BKJ) and the Federal Association of Drama and Theatre (Die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Spiel und Theater - BAG) from Germany. This workshop was realised as a continuation of meetings and seminars in the field of cultural education organized by BKJ, BAG and İKSV under the coordination of German-Turkish Youth Bridge.

While continuing the exchange of ideas between the two countries with this workshop, the practical aspect of the subject was addressed, with works focusing on project and resource development, and the implementation stages of the developed ideas.

The workshop, which is a part of the project series titled “Building Bridges of Tomorrow / Creative Networks and Visions for Youth Exchange Programmes Between Turkey and Germany” with the support from German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was conducted under the coordination of Prof. Dr Kenan Çayır, Director of İstanbul Bilgi University Center for Research and Application of Sociology and Education Studies, Nazlı Çevik Azizi, co-founder of SEİBA International Storytelling Center, and Günalp Turan, Teachers Network Network Engagement Specialist. Assistant director of Boğaziçi University Peace Education Application and Research Centre Aylin Vartanyan, founder of Hasat Association Ceyda Özdemir and BAG General Secretary Ute Handwerg, have contributed to the workshop with their speeches.
Bu web sitesi, İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı’nın desteklediği İKSV Araştırma ve Etkileşim Alanı Kurulumu ve Çocuklar ile Gençlere Yönelik Yaratıcı Atölyeler Programı projesi kapsamında hazırlanmıştır. İçerik ile ilgili tek sorumluluk İstanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı’na ait olup İSTKA ve Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı’nın görüşlerini yansıtmamaktadır.